Sunday, March 22, 2009

Memories flash back : Where our courtship life began....

We revisited Raffles Marina after 2 years.
Sky and I were invited to a wedding dinner at Raffles Marina, Tuas West Drive. The groom is his cousin and the bride is my best friend's sister.
Congratulations to Yang Ming and Xue Yun!

Raffles Marina is also the place where our courtship life began on 29 Nov 2006. It was actually not so romantic that night on 29 Nov 2006 when he "ask for my hand" to be his girlfriend coz he did it in the pitch dark, yacht park area. Raffles Marina is on that west side of Singapore with a beautiful sunset in the evening. I guessed he did not plan for that romantic moment.

Memories of that night 2 years back were replaying in my mind the whole evening during the wedding dinner :D The revisit also indicate that courtship days had ended and it did bring back many memories. It's so sweet thinking about it.

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