Friday, March 20, 2009

Soleminisation Venue confirmed @ Noble House

The perfect place to hold my soleminsation.....

1) Nice named venue to appear in my ROM certification.
2) Relatively affordable place with good stomach-filling CHINESE food
3) Soleminisation place and table inclusive in the food price for 13 pax.

Soleminsation venue have been confirmed at "Noble House" during dinner hour. We will be having the ala-carte buffet dinner at $39.80++ with complimentary mini Buddha Jump Over The Wall 1 serving per pax. Reservations taken by Veronica.

Next things to do....

1)) JP Consent - shortlisted... pending confirmation
2) Register our wedding online at after 26 Mar 2009
3) Florist to decor my soleminisation table setup (budget set @ $100 and below)

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